Ram Charan Teja entered wedlock with Upsana just moments ago. The wedding was a grand affair attended by Superstar Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, Kannada actor Ambreesh, Suhasini Mani Ratnam, Jr NTR, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy, Chandrababu Naidu and Tamil Nadu's Governor Konijeti Rosaiah, among others. Ram Charan expressed his excitement on twitter, followed by numerous wishes. His tweet read, "Will be entering into a new life in a couple of hours. really excited and need all ur blessings. Love u all."
Other actors who could not make it to the wedding wished the actor on twitter. Here are a few of their tweets:
aishwaryaa.r.dhanush @ash_r_dhanush" Congratulations @Alwayscharan :)"
nithiin @actor_nithiin, "wishing ramcharan n upasana a very happy married life.."
sneha ullal @snehaullalheart, "Charan gets hitched today..let's wish him all the good luck for his new life n wife..too bad I'm missing the function..good morning."
Ram Pothineni @ramsayz, "Wishing my dear buddy Charan all d happiness in d world..super happy for him! ☺"
Priya Mani @priyamani6, "Here's wishing @Alwayscharan a very happy married life!!!!!may god grant the wonderful couple all thw happiness in the world.."
Hansika @_Hansika, "And yes won't make to the grand wedding today:( commitments !But wishing @Alwayscharan n upasana a very happy married life .god bless<3 :)"
Amala Paul@Amala_ams, "Good morning all! Very happy to wish my friend and co star @Alwayscharan, the couple all the best wishes for a wonderful future that lies ahead !! God bless ... "
Priyanka Chopra @priyankachopra, "Here's wishing a very happy married life to my Zanjeer co actor Ramcharan and his beautiful better half Upasana!wish I cud have been there!"
Other actors who could not make it to the wedding wished the actor on twitter. Here are a few of their tweets:
aishwaryaa.r.dhanush @ash_r_dhanush" Congratulations @Alwayscharan :)"
nithiin @actor_nithiin, "wishing ramcharan n upasana a very happy married life.."
sneha ullal @snehaullalheart, "Charan gets hitched today..let's wish him all the good luck for his new life n wife..too bad I'm missing the function..good morning."
Ram Pothineni @ramsayz, "Wishing my dear buddy Charan all d happiness in d world..super happy for him! ☺"
Priya Mani @priyamani6, "Here's wishing @Alwayscharan a very happy married life!!!!!may god grant the wonderful couple all thw happiness in the world.."
Hansika @_Hansika, "And yes won't make to the grand wedding today:( commitments !But wishing @Alwayscharan n upasana a very happy married life .god bless<3 :)"
Amala Paul@Amala_ams, "Good morning all! Very happy to wish my friend and co star @Alwayscharan, the couple all the best wishes for a wonderful future that lies ahead !! God bless ... "
Priyanka Chopra @priyankachopra, "Here's wishing a very happy married life to my Zanjeer co actor Ramcharan and his beautiful better half Upasana!wish I cud have been there!"
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