Ram Charan's father Chiranjeevi had also debuted in Hindi with the film Pratibandh, which was successful at the Box office. And he returned back to home to be the king in his own jungle. Talking to Bollywood Hungama, a friend of Cherry tells that is determined to establish a parallel career in Hindi. He says, "He wants to build a career brick by brick in Mumbai. And that means setting up a home in Mumbai."
Another big reason for buying a home in Mumbai is that Ram Charan's wife Upasana Kamineni has expansion plans in Mumbai. According to Cherry's friend, she will work on the hospital project in Mumbai. The friend says, "Upasana and Ram want to set up a home in Mumbai from where they can pursue their respective careers."
Ram Charan himself has confirmed that he was in Mumbai last week and saw three properties in and around Bandra. Salman Khan reportedly played the good host and introduced him to builders and real-estate agents. The Telugu star has more or less zeroed in on the property. Now, he will visit Mumbai again with his wife to finalise the deal, which is expected to be sealed in a week.
However, Ram Charan, who is intended to build his Bollywood career beyond Zanjeer, has already given the nod to star in director Apoorva Lakhia's another film, which will also star Abhishek Bachchan. The actor is reportedly in talks with a leading corporate house in Mumbai for a lucrative three film deal, reports Bollywood Hungama.
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