Actress Shriya Saran, who entered Tollywood with the movie Ishtam, has acted in more than 25 movies in Telugu. The popular South Indian star has already proved her acting and dancing abilities. Now she is set to show off her batting skills. Yes! She can be seen playing 'galli' cricket in her next film Life is Beautiful.
Life is Beautiful is a coming of age story of six youngsters, set in the beautiful nostalgic world of a working-middle class neighbourhood. A source from the production house reveals that Shriya Saran will be seen playing cricket with the neighbourhood boys inside a gated colony. She will show off her batting skills in the film. It remains to be seen how many fours and sixes she will hit.
The film tracks their journey through the different seasons, festivals, romances, street cricket, colony fights and family gatherings. With the beginning of responsibilities, and adulthood looming around the corner, their dreams and aspirations bring them all together, to make the whole experience magical. It is a celebration of life and its smaller joys.
Life Is Beautiful is written, directed and produced by Sekhar Kammula. Shriya Saran, Anjala Zaveri and Amala Akkineni are playing key roles in the movie, which stars six newcomers. Mickey J Meyer has composed the music for the film, which is slated to release on September 13.
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