CBN had finished his Delhi tour and exploited Congress mark politics in the division with all national allies. Yesterday, he was involved in Rajya Sabha elections and conducted MOCK voting practice to its MLAs with guidance. CBN took all necessary steps not to deviate single vote from TDP. Now he is concentrating on filtration of its candidates in 2014 general elections. Since last two days he is conducting district-wise talks with all aspirants in the party office.
As per latest buzz, CBN has planned to turn down tickets for 50% of the sitting MLAs in the state. CBN has conducted one to one sessions to all MLAs in Vizayanagaram and Visakhapatnam districts. He handed over their progress reports directly to the MLAs in hand and discussed their drawbacks and lacking openly. CBN was discussed with Ashok Gajapathy Raju nearly 45 minutes on party position in Vizayanagaram district and later with, Chodavaram MLA and S.Kota MLA separately.
MLAs feel that whatever the information in the report is genuine and wants to correct them to get TDP ticket. CBN seeks to field neutral candidates and new candidates in 2014 elections. As per the report, some of the MLAs have still not performed to get ticket. CBN is strongly believed to replace new candidates to win the segments. Replacing them with new faces leads to dissidence among the party.
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