Actor Nithin got the much needed break of his career with Ishq movie. The hit came at a time when everybody thought Nithin's career is closed. His next film, Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe was also a big hit and he charged 1.5 Crores for it.
Ishq was the biggest hit of Nithin's career and he bettered that number again with Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe. From then, Nithin was a hot property and then he signed a movie in Puri Jagannadh's direction, Heart Attack.
Nithin got about 2-2.5 Crore for Heart Attack and Courier Boy Kalyan. However, the movie got bad reviews from most critics and mixed talk from audience, yet the movie fared well and is performing exceedingly well at the box office.
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